The need has never been greater for competent and skilled mariners. To meet this demand, Orange Coast College is offering mariner training with up-to-date and innovative facilities at the OCC Waterfront Center.

Students in the Professional Mariner Program:

  1. Train on the water with a fleet of more than 40 vessels, and earn up to 60 days of sea service towards a Masters or AB, certificated by the U.S. Coast Guard.
  2. Get your hands dirty working with paint, varnish, marine diesel engines, and other yacht-keeping components.
  3. Practice scenarios in the simulator to gain experience in vessel handling, navigation, radar, leadership, and other critical skills needed on the job.

Student Testimonials

Ethan Beigel

I think OCC's Professional Mariner program is a complete gem – there's no other program like it. When I first started taking classes at the OCC Sailing Center, it blew me away that there was something like that available to students who were interested in pursuing careers in the maritime industry at the community college level. 

When I'm out on the open ocean, knowing that there's only a small percentage of people in the world who have been to that part of the world, it definitely opens your mind and your heart for the love of the sea.

Ethan Beigel

Heidi Mariner

Before I took Sailing 101 at OCC, I had never been on a boat. Once I took that first course, I completely fell in love with it. It wasn't until I was about three classes in that I realized "This is what I want to do with my life." 

Before finding the Professional Mariner program, I didn't even know that there was a sailing profession that you could do. OCC opened doors for me - this is where I found my path. 

I just got offered a job as a mate on an 85-foot yacht – there are so many incredible opportunities out there once you have the education and experience.

Heidi Mariner


OCC Professional Mariner students advance from our program to careers on large private and charter yachts, cruise ships, passenger ferries, whale watch and dive boats, supply vessels, work boats, tugs, commercial shipping vessels and on-shore support positions. 

Many students continue their education by transferring to attend four-year maritime academies. 

Students who complete OCC's professional mariner program receive STCW Basic Training certificates and have the opportunity to apply for their Merchant Mariner Credential. 



We are committed to your success! Here are some of the resources available at Orange Coast College (Costa Mesa) and the OCC Waterfront Campus (Newport Beach) to support your academic journey. 


Costs and Funding 

The Professional Mariner Program is an accredited program of Orange Coast College. Courses are part of Marine Activities (MARA) and cost $46/unit - texts not included. 

Additional fees include health, parking and non-resident tuition if applicable. Some classes may have an equipment or site fee. 


Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Summer Semester