The marine programs at the OCC Waterfront Campus are supported by generous private donations, including foundation grants, cash donations and in-kind gifts of property, boats and equipment. Generous gifts from our community have ensured these programs' success for over three decades.
One of our biggest announcements is the opening of the new, state-of-the-art Professional Mariner Training Center (PMTC) building in late Summer 2021. Not only is this building providing much needed classroom and meeting spaces, it will also house an incredible Bridge Simulator for students to be able to navigate ports from around the world. The building was made possible by the Bond Measure M, with donors providing the funding to purchase and install the Simulator and other technology the professional mariner of the future requires.
To donate directly to one of the OCC Waterfront Campus programs:
By donating to OCC Waterfront Campus Programs, you will help us provide quality maritime training, recreational and safe boating classes, and access to exceptional collegiate rowing programs. Gifts to the program are made through the Orange Coast College Foundation
Your Giving Makes Impact
New Skills, New Life
In Spring of 2024, a homeless father from OCC's Professional Mariner program received an MMC and degree completion support.
Today he is using his MMC and skills he learned at OCC to start and operate his own charter boat business in California.
Following Your Passion
In the Fall of 2024, an immigrant student shared his story in his application. He was already known as a standout student, commuting to OCC from San Diego where he was able to find housing and work. The committee provided him with MMC support and an award to help him relocate closer to OCC where he will continue his studies and complete his degree in this unique maritime program.
Practical Professional
A student working aboard ship requested and received funding for safety gear needed for his work. He feels the new gear makes him safer and that he looks more professional with proper gear. The Linda and Todd White Scholarship program fuels student success. The flexibility and guidance provided by staff are big reasons for that success.
Boat Donations
Gifts of vessels to the OCC Waterfront Campus marine programs play an important role in providing on-going support for students of all ages seeking low-cost access to learning more about all aspects of sailing and powerboating. After use in the program, or repair and material improvement, donated vessels are offered for sale or charter to the public. Income from these activities goes directly toward program needs.
Boats are donated to OCC through the Orange Coast College Foundation. All the School’s boats with the exception of the Lido 14s, and the Catalina 42 “Betty” were gifts to the sailing program from private individuals.
If you wish to discuss donating your boat, please call (949) 645-9412 or email the OCC Sailing program at
Learn more about donating:

This special giving program provides invaluable support for Orange Coast College's Professional Mariner students, programs, and operations. Some examples that support students in the new building include: firefighting tuition, transportation funding, materials and equipment, and Merchant Mariner Credential fees.