Our Navigation Bridge Simulator & Bridge Simulator Lab


The Professional Mariner Training Center’s simulation training lab is home to a NT Professional 5000 Full Mission Navigation Bridge simulator for both professional training and research.

Twelve 84” flat screen monitors form an immersive virtual environment for training with Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) software, Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) software, VIS 6000 Visualization software, center bridge console, port and starboard consoles, steering/helm console, including touch screen control panels and a full complement of conning hardware. The instructor control and monitoring station is situated ideally at the entrance to the simulator room.

An executive conference room serves for debriefing simulations using a live/replay function. Adjacent to the Full Mission Bridge Simulator is a 10 station desktop simulator lab that can function simultaneously with Full Mission sims.

Combined with a catalogue of hundreds of computer-generated models of ships, ports, and environmental conditions, the hardware and software applications at OCC’s Professional Mariner Training Center provide professional quality simulation, depicting real maritime navigation conditions.


Skill Building for Credentialed Mariners

The OCC Waterfront Campus offers USCG approved classes throughout the year and we welcome inquiries for new custom simulation training if your career advancement requires time in a simulator. Gain at-sea simulation experiences to build skills in vessel handling, radar, and ECDIS. Contact us to learn more about scheduling individual sessions. 

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Get the Training You Need

Contact us to learn more about our new simulation suite and ways that your company or organization can partner with the Professional Mariner Training Center at the OCC Waterfront Campus. Many of our courses are avaluable for individual registration or on a custom schedule to meet the needs of your team. We welcome inquiries for new contract courses, custom simulation training programs and research projects.

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